- The President
- The Vice President
- Speaker of Parliament
- His/Her Lordship Chief Justice
- Hon. Deputy Speaker of Parliament
- His/Her Lordship Deputy Chief Justice
- Vice Chairperson of the NRM
- Rt. Hon Prime Minister
- Deputy Prime Ministers
- Cabinet Ministers
- Ministers of State
- Principal Judge
- Judges of the Supreme Court
- Judges of the Court of Appeal
- Judges of the High Court
- Heads of Diplomatic Missions
- Members of Parliament
- Former National Leaders
- Traditional Leaders
- Religious Leaders
- Inspector General of Government
- Chairpersons of Constitutional Commissions
- Head of Civil Service
- Auditor General
- Members of the Constitutional Commissions
- Permanent Secretaries
- Army Commander
- Inspector General of Police
- Commissioner of Prisons
- UPDF High Command
- Governor, Bank of Uganda
- Vice Chancellors of Universities
- Resident District Commissioners
- LC5 Chairpersons