Dear Reader,
I have the pleasure to present to you the fourth edition of our Quarterly Government of Uganda Newsletter. This is the last edition of the Financial Year 2021/2022 and covers the months of April, May and June of 2022.
The purpose of this GCIC Newsletter is to empower you, as a citizen, with information regarding the different activities, projects and programmes that the Government has undertaken in your area. It is hoped that you can benefit from them or participate in their monitoring to ensure value for money. This new concept of Government management is called Open Government which we are spearheading at the GCIC.
I want to thank the readers who have gone through our previous three editions and have been providing us with meaningful feedback. We have endeavoured to incorporate their feedback in every subsequent edition.
I also want to thank different Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, that have cooperated with the Government Citizen Interaction Centre, in the production of this Newsletter. This is the widest edition we have produced and has extensively covered Government’s interventions in expanding markets for Uganda’s products abroad, efforts to end resurging cattle rustling in Karamoja, and we have also annexed the President’s State of the Nation Address, delivered on the 7th June, 2022, at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.
In conclusion, I want to appeal to fellow Government Communicators to continue supporting this Government quarterly Newsletter, to become a one-stop centre for Government news, every three months.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the fourth edition of the GCIC Newsletter.
Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant in-Charge of Communication & Director, Government Citizen Interaction Centre