Modern economies are increasingly opening up their Governments to allow their citizens to have a say in planning and implementation of Government programmes and projects. This new concept is called Open Government.
One of the reasons for setting up the Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC) is to drive the open government agenda for the Government of Uganda. We therefore, owe the citizens a duty to provide them with relevant Government documents and proceedings to enable them carryout their public oversight role.
Over the years, Government of Uganda has carried out reforms and introduced initiatives that increase public participation in governance such as the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, which encourages open bidding processes and improves transparency; Know your budget initiative of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MOFPED), which publishes releases of funds by the ministry up to parish level.
The Central Government has implementation and oversight representation up to the parish level through the Parish Chief. The Parish Chief is therefore, the immediate supervisor of the lowest Government programmes and projects like Government aided primary schools and Health Centres. He is supported by school management and health management committees respectively. However, why do teachers and health workers for example abscond when there is a Parish Chief and management committees? The answer is that every citizen has a role to play in monitoring of Government projects and programmes to end the prevailing laxity and corruption.
Therefore, this news letter, that we shall produce quarterly is to arm you with relevant information and to tickle you out of your comfort zone, to you get involved in public governance and to take up monitoring of Government projects and programmes in your local areas using the information provided herein. The newsletter is electronic so that it can be shared on electronic platforms that have a wider reach than print.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the first edition of the Government of Uganda quarterly electronic newsletter for quarter one of Financial Year 2021/2022.
Marcella Karekye