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Fraud threatens the survival of individuals, firms, industries, and economies. Mobile money is no exception. About 3 of every 5 people have encountered fraud attempts or been defrauded at least once.


  • A PIN is only for personal use. Be protective with it.

Never accept to share your PIN or enter it whenever asked to do so even if you are told the caller represents your telecom provider. Immediately report Fraud Suspicion to the following;

  • Your telecom provider: 100
  • UCC toll-free:  080022277
  • National Operations Command Centre: 0707600773 /0776999136 or 0800199699.
  • Device handling;
  • Set up PINs or security codes to protect your devices. Avoid keeping them in exposed areas.
  • When stolen or lost, report to the nearest police station / post as soon as possible and block the affected sim card(s) if any. 
  • Avoid keeping your PIN on email or platforms that can be hacked.
  • Never discuss details of your Mobile money wallet
  • Endeavour to only use sim cards registered in your names to avoid risks of being incriminated.
  • In case of suspicious calls;
  • Hang up immediately
  • Do not give the fraudster a chance to manipulate you through engagement.
  • If the issue is about your friends or family, hang up and verify with other sources or members of your family.


  • Passwords/Security Keys

Set up security locks (password, PIN, or Pattern).  Make it harder for anyone to access your device.  Frequently update them.

  • Frequently install system updates

Every time you update your device and apps, you strengthen its resilience to hacking and other security-related vulnerabilities.

  • Sharing your personal information online

The information you share can be manipulated and used by the wrong people.  If you must share, limit which people have access to your profile.  All settings are available on most platforms.

  • Verify any information before sharing.

Beware of fake information. If you doubt the authenticity, use the UCC fact checker: 0760 44 52 56

  • DO NOT click on unknown links 

There are NO free things online. Avoid clicking on suspicious links shared through messaging apps, email or social media platforms. You will never get free data, airtime, or money by clicking or sharing links.

  • If you are not using your personal device,

Remember to LOG out when you finish, do not allow your personal details such as passwords to be automatically saved.

This Article Also Answers the Following Questions :

  • Be RESPONSIBLE online
  • Where to report Fraud
  • Advisory on device handling

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